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Monday, July 4, 2016

Must Know Backpacking Tips For College Students In India

Being in college is synonymous with living on a budget. But that does not mean that you cannot travel your own country. Students are seen backpacking while in college in our favorite movies and experiencing amazing things by getting out of their comfort zone and traveling to unique places. You can do so as well.

How? Follow these simple tips to know what you can do to travel safe while on a budget and backpack to gather the bittersweet experiences that you will cherish forever.

Always pack light:

The mantra when backpacking should be less is more. This is a must follow rule of thumb that all smart backpackers abide by. As a student it may easy to go overboard and pack maybe sixteen swimsuits or 11 pairs of jeans when they will spend the entire holiday switching between two. After all who needs more than two jeans anyway? Isn’t the point of jeans to be a long term investment in apparel so that you don’t need change so often?! Remember that if you carry too many stuff around then you will be boggled down and may miss taking a running bus (we condone this practice) or catching tat last local train.

More importantly, you will save a lot of extra payments on luggage or for overweight bags.

Sprint luggage is known for its light weight and durability which is why several college students opt for luggage from this company. With a YUP Card subscription you can get a student discount online of 30% on shopping from 

Make sure someone knows:

No matter how great that spontaneous trip may sound. But we strongly recommend that you let someone know about your whereabouts exactly. It may not be your mom and dad but someone responsible and caring enough should know about your plans even if you do not want mom and dad breathing down on your back. Because the last thing you want is an emergency on either your end or back at home and you not being able to get help.

Keep those valuables back at home:

In most cases you will not require your most valuable diamond ring or all of those gadgets that you use during your trip. The main idea behind backpacking is to only keep the basics at hand and do not carry things that you may need to replace in case if your baggage gets swapped.

Try and get a hostel with a kitchen:

It will be great if you could find a hostel room with a kitchen or a communal kitchen or one which serves complimentary breakfast. All you will need is a simple and clean place with some utensils and gas to cook some daily eatables; this will help to save you a lot during trips and could also be a lifesaver if you visit a place with the locality having orthodox menu on offer, which you cannot seem to stomach.

Always carry your own snacks:

During backpacking you must always carry a few snacks like your favorite granola bars or wafers with you to have something to bite on during those tiring hikes around the city or up a mountain. This way you will stay clear of unnecessary expenditure and keep away from unhealthy snacks.

Get a student discount card valid throughout the country:

Try and get subscription to a college student discount card which is valid throughout the area you are traveling to, to buy essentials at a subsidized rate. This could mean anything starting from pizza to beer to even medicines (watch Delhi Belly for preparation). With a universal discount card valid across the region like YUP Card it will be your free pass to extra fun while backpacking in India.


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