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Friday, January 20, 2017

If Life Was as Smooth as Hookah...

Here is a thought that you must often have when the stress of being a college student in this fast-paced, overly competitive world full of distractions gets to you. There might be days when you wake up tired from over-thinking and over-dreaming and you just want to go back to bed and snooze away your life, only to have some more of dreaming time.

There must be days when you feel the clichéd cry of existential crisis clouding over your head in a mist of confusion and all you want to do is make some artificial smog of your own and let that haunting mist get lost among your sinister creation. Too deep was it?!

Well, be it as clichéd it seems, truth seems to have such a course. While we do not in any way mean that smoking or drinking can do away with life’s punches and blows. And neither should you believe so, life’s troubles are only solved when you wake and get ready to tackle them. And if they do not disappear, you will know you did not go down without a fight.

However, college is also the best time of our lives. A time when we make some stupid mistakes, go through heart-breaks, fight away evil temptation, gather our composure and maintain calm by holding onto our jangled nerves... and also a time for friendship, friendships that last a lifetime or so it seems, and a lot of fun and memorable moments to cherish for life. So, go out and make some of your own moments of true friendship with some ‘safe’ fun, with tobacco-free Hookahs...


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