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Monday, July 11, 2016

Why You Should Meditate in College And Tips on How to Get Started

These days college students barely get any time to wait and smell the roses or even talk their heart out in person (not on social media), so it is evident that they will not get any chances to meditate even it is for half an hour every day.

With growing older we gradually run out of time to relax, so isn’t it better to start now? This way you will be able to get in the habit early. There is a long list of studies that suggest that doing meditation on a daily basis can not only be beneficial for the psyche but also for the physical and emotional health.

Here are our three most important reasons to start meditating and a few tips to start out doing it now:

Reasons to start meditating today:

1. Meditation can help to decrease stress:

The best incentive for college goers to start meditating right away, as it is known to have stress reducing effects. Some amount of stress is healthy and a few occasional short bouts will keep you going but the immense amount of stress that college students feel these days is not healthy at all. By acting on the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system meditation can help to counteract stress. This nervous system is closely associated with the flight or fight mechanism. Meditation also activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is associated with times of rest.

2. With meditation you will be able to concentrate better:

Meditation and the ability to concentrate go hand in hand. Many people have distorted views of meditation, but in actuality you will be surprised at how much mental energy it is required to meditate successfully. With improvement in concentration you will not only be able to improve your school work but later it will also be able to help you with future internships and jobs, along with extracurricular and sports.

3. Your overall emotional well-being will develop with meditation:

Meditation is known to hone creative thinking, inspire happiness of mind and peace. These are factors of one’s emotional health. Meditation works to develop positive emotional health because it helps students to focus in the present rather than cringe about the problems and regrets of the past or the ones upcoming in the future. This helps to make an immediate shift in the mindset of students who often tend to wallow in depression or loneliness due to peer-pressure or too much stress. With regular meditation one will feel equipped to get into a positive mindset whenever needed.

Three commandments to get started with meditation:

  1. Concentrate on your breathing and not on your thoughts
  2. Allow thoughts to come but also make way to let them go when you realize you are thinking irrelevant     things
  3. Stay put and do not give up even if you feel you suck at meditating, it will come to you slowly but surely.
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