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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Learn To Pack Like a Pro: Backpacking Tips For Students

Are you planning to take a backpacking trip around the country?  Then you must learn how to pack small if want to live for the chaos of travelling in budget as a college student. Imagine the great many benefits of chasing down your train with a small backpack that may leave unapologetically on time (for a change). With a light luggage you will be able to squeeze into (or climb on top of) the only train to the village in Rajasthan.

Sometimes travelling in India can get even crazier, a time may come when you may need to make an emergency stop at the police station to bail your tour guide out of jail! In such circumstances you will need small luggage to save you and your fellow travel mates and cram them in a small fishing boat as your scheduled ferry leaves, to eventually splash your way to the island hotel where you can watch the sunset while sipping margaritas on time.

Yes, packing does involve deeply personal decisions. The idea of style and comfort are highly subjective and differs from one person to another. But you can shed you luggage size and weight by simply following these few simple field tested tricks. While it may not turn your travel into an extended party, but it will save your spine and much of your sanity.

Here are the bullet points that you must remember when packing for a trip:

Understand the law of physics (travel version):

The contents of your bag will expand to fill the available space.

Always begin with a bag of the size the fits into the plane’s overhead compartment and that too with minimal shoving. Then pack this bag as much as you with moderate amount of shoving in items and simply leave the rest behind that do not fit in the bag. Always remember that the hard choices you leave behind on the bedroom floor will pay huge dividends while you are on the road.

Some more travel physics...

Be as dense as possible.

Take some inspiration from the black holes. They are so dense that even light cannot pass through them. You should allow your bag to function on the similar principles. Another golden rule you must keep in mind is to use folded bags rather than wadded ones. And for a even smaller size use folded and rolled technique for packing. And if your clothes take up more than one-third of your bag then rethink your whole packing strategy because you are probably packing more than you can.

Humans have learned to wash...

The world is not as savage as you would like to believe and most of humanity has learnt how to wash things. Be it with hotel laundry systems or local cleaners or just a friendly old lady near the corner who is keen on making a few paisas, so remember that a clean shirt is only a few hours away. Also even the smallest of budget hotels usually have a sink and running water even if that is for a couple of hours.

Your phone is smarter than you:

In today’s times most modern electronics like all smart phones and cameras are capable of switching the voltage automatically as soon as you plug them in. So, the leave behind the voltage specific devices at home and kiss those bulky converters at home. It may also be a good idea to carry a three way splitter plugged into a multi country adapter, this will be enough to keep all your devices charged for functionality.

The airline industry’s three biggest luggage loopholes:

After you finalize your packing list, boil it down to the very essentials. Once you have done so, you may realize that there are a few that will not fit in your bag. Then it will be time to exploit the airline industry’s most famous loopholes.

They are:
  1.  Carrying is very different from wearing! So, stuff your pockets, don your jacket, pack up the sandals and wear your hiking boots instead.
  2. The greatest words a flyer can hear, carry on plus one, consider carrying a small shoulder bag or a camera bag, you may also choose a smaller backpack for things that you are bringing as gifts and souvenirs.
  3.  Also duty-free does not count, if you cannot fit things in your bag then some airlines may allow you to carry it without penalty.
      Here were a few packing tips for college students who are planning to go on a backpacking trip. For more such interesting travel tips and college student discount on luggage follow our regular updates from YUP Card and save your money.


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